08 February 2016

Let’s stop confusing “purchasing” and “supply chain” jobs

Let’s stop confusing “purchasing” and “supply chain” jobs

We have the feeling that “procurement” jobs are loosely and largely referred to as belonging to the supply chain sector. These past years, we have seen too many times “purchasing” and “logistics” associated in the same job description . The entire life cycle of a product is indeed commonly described as being part of the supply chain. In this case, “supply chain” may encompass purchasing, manufacturing, legal and logistics aspects .

However if a “Purchasing” job is not linked to the movement of goods (finished products, industrial components, packages, …) to be used in production, stocked, or distributed, then it has nothing to do with “supply chain” strictly speaking. For purchasing to be linked to supply chain, there must be a logistics or transport aspect to the job.

In “Procurement and Logistics”, only part of the job is in fact directly related to the supply chain.

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