02 February 2015

The era of the virtual world : Windows launches into augmented reality with holographic glasses .

The era of the virtual world : Windows launches into augmented reality with holographic glasses .

During its last press conference, the giant Microsoft introduced its latest version of Windows 10. Its updates are free for users of Windows 7 , Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8 .

But the real surprise was the introduction of the first holographic glasses. They can display content directly in the fields of the user's vision to interoperate with it.

No need to connect them to a computer or smartphone , glasses , called HoloLens, is a full computer, composed of a processor, powerful graphic circuits and an adapted version of Windows .

Have motion sensors and transparent high definition lenses, the user can view 3D images in its environment. These virtual objects can be manipulated, interact with the user and be observed under every angles.

The new reality

In the video presentation, Microsoft demonstrated the potential of its holographic glasses. From a designer who experiences his plans directly to the dad who built the rocket drawed by his son, HoloLens is a revolution in the world of augmented reality.

They not only provide a huge step forward in 3D visualization, but a constant connectivity to others and the world .
Glasses that will be very useful in the professional world, but surely attract many privates . Including gamers looking the true feeling to have a total immersion.

What about the world of transportation ?

This technology  will bring benefits in the management of transportation, logistics and supply chain .
Much more than Google Glass , the HoloLens can allow a safier way of transportation , better performance in logistics and inventory management , and a constant improvement of supply chains.
Employees would be directly connected to others, to stocks and their way to go. This leads to a gain of time and energy which allows a better communication within the company.

A technology that exceeds all others? Multi- functionality, HoloLens could supplant all constructions in progress or bring improvement . A technological revolution that will be marketed just about the same time as Windows 10 , although no price has yet been announced.

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